When the lockdown first began, we quickly learned how interdependent our world is today. People who work every day helping those around them suddenly had their jobs grounded to a halt. We quickly realized that people who help others aren’t just nurses, teachers and fireman. They are also our hair stylists, our Uber or Lyft drivers and our grocery store clerks. Many continued working, risking their lives, some transitioned to working from home while many others had to stop working completely. Our safety nets were meager and required Americans coming together to help us all through this. Now, a year later, much damage has been done, and some of that damage will be long-lasting. Read more in this article.
- What are the ways in which you think the world has changed forever?
- Are there people you know whose livelihood, their jobs, are simply not going to come back after the pandemic is over? What can they do to earn a living?
- Is the massive downturn in the economy an example of “markets working” or “markets not working”? (Hint: Key may be to first answer what markets you are talking about.)
Sources: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/03/16/some-ways-people-can-help-soften-economic-impact-coronavirus-locally-globally/. Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels.